Paly Instrumental Music Boosters

The Paly Music Boosters is a group of teachers and parents who are dedicated to supporting the dynamic instrumental music programs at Paly. We meet the first Thursday of every month from 5:30-6:30 pm. Check the Calendar for the latest on whether meetings will be virtual, in-person or hybrid.

Executive Board

Julie Tomasz, President

OPEN, Vice President

Sarah Wieckowski, Secretary

Orit Vidas-Horovitz , Treasurer

OPEN, Co-Volunteer Coordinators

Aran Johnson, Caroline Peres & Shweta Tripathi, Co-Flea Market Coordinators

Yumei Xiong, Anjani Sarma & Siam Wong, Co-Publicity Chairs

Jan Gerritsen, Web Coordinator

Contact the Booster Board


